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What is Remote Execution?

Remote execution is a powerful feature that allows you to distribute build and test actions across multiple machines, such as a data center. This can significantly speed up your build times and improve your development workflow.

By leveraging remote execution, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Faster build and test execution: By distributing actions across multiple nodes, you can execute builds and tests in parallel, significantly reducing the overall time required.
  • Consistent execution environment: Remote execution ensures that all members of a development team are working in the same environment, reducing the “it works on my machine” problem.
  • Reuse of build outputs: Build outputs can be shared across a development team, reducing redundant work and further speeding up the development process.

For more information on how to get started with remote execution in NativeLink, please refer to our NativeLink On-Prem Guide.

For more detailed information about remote execution, you can visit the below links: Bazel Remote Execution Documentation. Buck2 Remote Execution Documentation