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Running NativeLink On-Prem

While NativeLink offers robust cloud solutions, we understand that you may need to run NativeLink on-premises for various reasons such as compliance requirements, unique scaling needs, or specific infrastructure setups.

To facilitate this, NativeLink is designed to be seamlessly deployable in an on-premises environment. Our team has worked hard to ensure that the process of setting up NativeLink on your own servers is as straightforward as possible, and we provide comprehensive documentation to guide you through the process.

Making your First Deployment

To get started with running NativeLink on-premises, we recommend taking a look at our example deployments and NativeLink configurations that may suit your needs.

  • On-Prem Example Deployments: This section provides several examples of deploying NativeLink to an on-premises Kubernetes setup. These examples aren’t intended for production use, but rather to serve as basic, illustrative guides for using NativeLink in a custom Kubernetes environment.

  • Configuration Examples: NativeLink uses a JSON file as the configuration format. This section provides a few examples of configuration files that you can refer to when setting up your own NativeLink configuration.

If you encounter any issues or have any questions about running NativeLink on-premises, don’t hesitate to reach out to us on Slack.