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Migrating from Unsupported Build Systems

To use NativeLink, you need to migrate to a build system that supports the remote execution protocol.

Many common build systems, such as CMake and Gradle, don’t support remote execution. The most common reasons people move off them is to set up a monorepo, but NativeLink combined with the build systems mentioned below can be a powerful alternative to these traditional build systems.

You have several choices, including:

  • Bazel (most common)
  • Buck2
  • Pants (less common than the others but frequently used for Python)

Please refer to the migration guides linked above for each build system.

I migrated, now what?

After successfully migrating to a Remote Execution API/NativeLink compatible build system, you can now proceed to try out NativeLink with your new setup. The simplest and fastest way to do this is by using the cloud. Please refer to the Getting Started with NativeLink Cloud guide for detailed instructions.